Staff scientist, MycoSynVac project co-coordinator

I am a biotechnologist and I have been study in for more than 10 years Mycoplasmas. I have always belived that understanding is the basics for rational engineering. Mycoplasmas being the bacteria with smallest genomes are considered the best models to be characterized by Systems Biology approaches. By combining molecular biology, “-omics” techinques and modelling we have acquired the knowledge in the biology of M. pneumoniae. This knowledge opened the door to genome engineering, becoming a lab of design of biological systems. As co-coordinator of MycoSynVac, in our group, I have the privilege of working with a team of 15 scientists with different backgrounds. Altogether, we aim to develop the first bacterial chassis that can be used for different biotechnological applications. Also, the collaborative efforts and multidisciplinary of the consortium will do MycoSynVac true. This project will be the first proof of concept of engineering the chassis to obtain a multivalent vaccine. We envision that this chassis will open the door to the development of Synthetic Biology, the understanding of Biology and the development of science in Europe and worldwide.


Seybert A; Gonzalez-Gonzalez L; Scheffer MP; Lluch-Senar M; Mariscal AM; Querol E; Matthaeus F; Piñol J; Frangakis AS, 2018. Cryo-electron tomography analyses of terminal organelle mutants suggest the motility mechanism of Mycoplasma genitalium.  Mol Microbiol 108(3):319-329

Trussart M; Yus E; Martinez S; Baù D; Tahara YO; Pengo T; Widjaja M; Kretschmer S; Swoger J; Djordjevic S; Turnbull L; Whitchurch C; Miyata M; Marti-Renom MA; Lluch-Senar M; Serrano L, 2017. Defined chromosome structure in the genome-reduced bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae.  Nat Commun 8:14665

Lloréns-Rico V; Cano J; Kamminga T; Gil R; Latorre A; Chen WH; Bork P; Glass JI; Serrano L; Lluch-Senar M, 2016. Bacterial antisense RNAs are mainly the product of transcriptional noise.  Sci Adv 2(3):e1501363

Chen WH; van Noort V; Lluch-Senar M; Hennrich ML; Wodke JA; Yus E; Alibés A; Roma G; Mende DR; Pesavento C; Typas A; Gavin AC; Serrano L; Bork P, 2016. Integration of multi-omics data of a genome-reduced bacterium: Prevalence of post-transcriptional regulation and its correlation with protein abundances.  Nucleic Acids Res 44(3):1192-202

Lluch-Senar M; Mancuso FM; Climente-González H; Peña-Paz MI; Sabido E; Serrano L, 2016. Rescuing discarded spectra: Full comprehensive analysis of a minimal proteome.  Proteomics 16(4):554-63

Lluch-Senar M; Cozzuto L; Cano J; Delgado J; Llórens-Rico V; Pereyre S; Bebear C; Serrano L, 2015. Comparative "-omics" in Mycoplasma pneumoniae Clinical Isolates Reveals Key Virulence Factors.  PLoS One 10(9):e0137354

Lloréns-Rico V; Lluch-Senar M; Serrano L, 2015. Distinguishing between productive and abortive promoters using a random forest classifier in Mycoplasma pneumoniae.  Nucleic Acids Res 43(7):3442-53

Lluch-Senar M; Delgado J; Chen WH; Lloréns-Rico V; O'Reilly FJ; Wodke JA; Unal EB; Yus E; Martínez S; Nichols RJ; Ferrar T; Vivancos A; Schmeisky A; Stülke J; van Noort V; Gavin AC; Bork P; Serrano L, 2015. Defining a minimal cell: essentiality of small ORFs and ncRNAs in a genome-reduced bacterium.  Mol Syst Biol 11(1):780

Wodke JA; Alibés A; Cozzuto L; Hermoso A; Yus E; Lluch-Senar M; Serrano L; Roma G, 2015. MyMpn: a database for the systems biology model organism Mycoplasma pneumoniae.  Nucleic Acids Res 43(Database issue):D618-23

Lloréns-Rico V; Serrano L; Lluch-Senar M, 2014. Assessing the hodgepodge of non-mapped reads in bacterial transcriptomes: real or artifactual RNA chimeras?  BMC Genomics 15:633

Paetzold B; Carolis C; Ferrar T; Serrano L; Lluch-Senar M, 2013. In situ overlap and sequence synthesis during DNA assembly.  ACS Synth Biol 2(12):750-5

Wodke JA; Puchałka J; Lluch-Senar M; Marcos J; Yus E; Godinho M; Gutiérrez-Gallego R; dos Santos VA; Serrano L; Klipp E; Maier T, 2013. Dissecting the energy metabolism in Mycoplasma pneumoniae through genome-scale metabolic modeling.  Mol Syst Biol 9:653

Lluch-Senar M; Luong K; Lloréns-Rico V; Delgado J; Fang G; Spittle K; Clark TA; Schadt E; Turner SW; Korlach J; Serrano L, 2013. Comprehensive methylome characterization of Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma pneumoniae at single-base resolution.  PLoS Genet 9(1):e1003191

Yus E; Güell M; Vivancos AP; Chen WH; Lluch-Senar M; Delgado J; Gavin AC; Bork P; Serrano L, 2012. Transcription start site associated RNAs in bacteria.  Mol Syst Biol 8:585

Schmidl SR; Otto A; Lluch-Senar M; Piñol J; Busse J; Becher D; Stülke J, 2011. A trigger enzyme in Mycoplasma pneumoniae: impact of the glycerophosphodiesterase GlpQ on virulence and gene expression.  PLoS Pathog 7(9):e1002263

Güell M; Yus E; Lluch-Senar M; Serrano L, 2011. Bacterial transcriptomics: what is beyond the RNA horiz-ome?  Nat Rev Microbiol 9(9):658-69

Lluch-Senar M; Querol E; Piñol J, 2010. Cell division in a minimal bacterium in the absence of ftsZ.  Mol Microbiol 78(2):278-89

Lluch-Senar M; Vallmitjana M; Querol E; Piñol J, 2007. A new promoterless reporter vector reveals antisense transcription in Mycoplasma genitalium.  Microbiology 153(Pt 8):2743-52

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