I am writing my master thesis at the Serrano lab. The main project of my thesis is the development of a lung repair platform based on Mycoplasma pneumoniae. More specifically, we are trying to express therapeutic molecules like Interleucin 22 in Mycoplasma pneumoniae with the objective to treat Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections and promote lung recovery.


2019 – Present: MSc in Biochemistry at the Technical University of Munich
2018 – 2021: BSc in Biochemistry at the Technical University of Munich with a Bachelor Thesis in the area of DNA Nanotechnology at the Dietz Lab


Cavelius, P.; Engelhart-Straub, S.; Biewald, A.; Haack, M.; Awad, D.; Brueck, T.; Mehlmer, N. Adaptation of Proteome and Metabolism in Different Haplotypes of Rhodosporidium toruloides during Cu(I) and Cu(II) Stress. Microorganisms 202311, 553. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11030553